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Station Slava specializing in the repair of carburetors
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We are pleased to welcome you to the station "SLAVA." SRT is a full service maintenance and repair of cars, SUVs and vans. On our site you will be able to look more closely with the news network shares as offered services, enroll online at MOT, to evaluate the services received.

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Computer diagnostics

Modern electronic systems for control units and apparatus of the car, equipped with a so-called self-diagnostic systems, which inform the driver about the appearance of some of the problems.
For example, the dashboard many cars have multi

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Oil change

How often should I change the engine oil in your car? The answer to this question is a compromise between our desire to save money on new oil and concern about the engine. After all, it is clear that

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Carburetor repair

Carburetor - component of the motor power supply, wherein the mixture is formed by mixing the fuel and air. It serves as a control of fuel, causing the lean mixture may be (a small amount of fuel) and rich (large

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Brake fluid

Brake fluid is necessary for the normal operation of all of the brake system. The most important element in the car is the braking system. So how can all of a sudden stop in front of obstacles and save the lives

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СТО начало свою деятельность в 1993 году, 20 лет назад, с маленького вагончика (троллейбуса), и постепенно разраслось в большой комплекс.

Основная специализация - ремонт карбюраторов. За 20 лет ремонт и все связанные с ним операции отлаживались до совершенства. Постепенно расширялся коллектив СТО.